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Bullfinches, cowslips and a beefy BAP

Mike Coker

Most Binfield residents know how lucky they are to live in Binfield and to enjoy its open green spaces and the nature that make the parish its home. Binfield residents are also lucky to live in Bracknell Forest. Bracknell Forest Council have created one of the most coherent plans in the country for how its residents will “continue to enjoy the wonderful natural environment that Bracknell Forest offers”. They have done a great job of turning the plethora of EU, national, regional and county strategies and plans into a sensible set of targets to improve the nature of the borough over the next five years. The organisations responsible for delivering these targets range from borough and parish councils to specialist conservation organisations like the Berkshire and South Buckinghamshire Bat Group. BFC have just launched the latest version of their Biodiversity Action Plan (BFC BAP) and Binfield Parish Council, Binfield Environment Group and other local organisations contributed to it and will play a part in delivering it.

The Biodiversity Action Plan is based around six distinct natural habitats that are found in Bracknell Forest, the threats they face and the opportunities for improvement. These habitats are brought to life in the plan through twenty biodiversity action plan species. These species are insects (bumblebees, stag beetle, brilliant emerald dragonfly, and silver-studded blue butterfly), plants (ragged robin, devil's bit scabious, wild service tree, and cowslip), birds (bullfinch, kingfisher, dartford warbler, woodlark, nightjar, skylark, barn owl and swift), mammals (noctule bat and hedgehog), fish (brown trout) and amphibians (great crested newt).

Binfield Environment Group, with the help of Binfield Parish Council, are developing plans to do our bit to help these species. One of the things that we want to do is get a better understanding of which of these species can be found where in Binfield. So, we would love to hear from you if you have seen any of these twenty species in Binfield. We would also love to hear from you if you want to help these species, or if you are already doing your bit for one of them. We are currently planning an event for Saturday 17th November where you can find out more about the Biodiversity Action Plan species.

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Binfield, Berkshire


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