Butterflies, and particularly painted ladies, have been in the news this week. Here are some of the simple activities that we can all take part in this summer which contribute to conservation science. The Every Flower Counts survey is particularly simple and quite a good one for younger surveyors.
hedgehogs - https://bighedgehogmap.org/holes-for-hedgehogs-home/map-hedgehog-sighting
stag beetles - https://ptes.org/get-involved/surveys/garden/great-stag-hunt/stag-hunt-survey/
swifts (nests or screaming parties only) - https://swiftsurvey.org/Rspb/Home/SubmitRecord
flowering plants - https://www.plantlife.org.uk/everyflowercounts/
butterflies (this year's survey starts on Friday) - https://www.bigbutterflycount.org/ (see also https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-49041006)
We also have a set of surveys that are based on walking a circuit of Wicks Green or Blue Mountain. Please contact us by email if you want to have a go at one of these.
Enjoy your surveying.