Owing to the current Covid-19 guidelines we have cancelled our January and February work parties. Subject to the lifting of restrictions our plans for the rest of the year are as follows. Please put these dates in your diaries:
- March 20th – Wicks Green, Pocket Copse or Roundabout / Diamond work party
- April 17th – Wicks Green, Pocket Copse or Roundabout / Diamond work party (plus potentially biodiversity surveying and link to BFC plans)
- May 15th – Binfield Spring Clean. Note 10K moved to October.
- June 19th – Bat walk
- July 17th – Butterfly surveying
- August 21st – Binfield footpath promotion
- September 18th – World Clean-up Day
- October 16th – Guerrilla Gardening
- November 20th – Farley Copse (or Piglittle) work party
- December 18th – Wicks Green work party
Other things that we would like to do, if we have the capacity, are: planting and maintaining pollinator-friendly plants in the village centre; an additional work party with BFC; something to launch a veteran tree trail; and a community tree-planting event.