Despite everything, 2020 was a pretty good year for Binfield Environment Group. More people than ever supported us. We ran two activities a month on a couple of occasions. We worked in some new locations and learnt some new skills. We uncovered more of the specimen trees in SJF. We now have monthly surveys being conducted on three of the open spaces in the parish. With the support of the parish council, more people than ever, including some very dedicated young people, are helping reduce the littering in the village.
We have some exciting plans for 2021 including tree-planting, launching a tree trail, helping the parish council go for green-flag status for Wicks Green, maintaining our newly planted bee-friendly areas, looking for bats and newts, and potentially running a work-party in Piglittle Meadow (Amen Corner North). However, these will require us to be allowed to run work-parties again and may stretch my organisational capabilities. I’d love to hear from you if there is anything else that you think we should be doing and/or if there is anything else that you would be prepared to do to help.
Finally I’d like to thank everyone who has supported us this year.
Mike, on behalf of BEG